typing-validation: Validation using Type Hints

Typing-validation is a small library to perform runtime validation of Python objects using PEP 484 type hints.

GitHub repo: https://github.com/hashberg-io/typing-validation

If val is a value of type t, the call validate(val, t) raises no error:

>>> from typing_validation import validate
>>> validate([0, 1, 2], list[int])
True # no error raised => [0, 1, 2] is a value of type list[int]

If val is not a value of type t, the call validate(val, t) raises a TypeError, with detailed information about validation failure(s):

>>> validate([[0, 1, 2], {"hi": 0}], list[Union[Collection[int], dict[str, str]]])
TypeError: Runtime validation error raised by validate(val, t), details below.
For type list[typing.Union[typing.Collection[int], dict[str, str]]], invalid value at idx: 1
  For union type typing.Union[typing.Collection[int], dict[str, str]], invalid value: {'hi': 0}
    For member type typing.Collection[int], invalid value at idx: 0
      For type <class 'int'>, invalid value: 'hi'
    For member type dict[str, str], invalid value at key: 'hi'
      For type <class 'str'>, invalid value: 0

The function is_valid is a variant of the validate function which returns False in case of validation failure, instead of raising TypeError:

>>> from typing_validation import is_valid
>>> is_valid([0, 1, "hi"], list[int])

Indices and tables